2023上海品牌授權·展 |
發布日期:2023/3/30 發布者:qiying1021 共閱429次 |
祁137.0191.1541 展會名稱:中國國際品牌授權展覽會 時間:2023年10月17-19日 地點:上海新國際博覽中心 屆數:第十六屆 同期舉辦:CKE中國嬰童用品展、CTE中國玩具展、CPE中國幼教展 觀眾:90000+名 觀眾類別:覆蓋玩具、嬰童用品、文具、家紡、服裝、食品飲料、生活用品 禮贈品、美容日化、電子消費品及主題空間等全領域。 1、關于中國授權展 | Profile Why China? 據《2020中國品牌授權行業發展白皮書》統計,2019年中國年度授權商品零售額達992億元,同比增長15.9%。 2019年中國年度授權金為38.2億元。中國是全球授權行業增速最快的市場之一,其規模穩居全球第五,僅次于美國、英國、日本和德國,發展潛力和空間巨大。 According to China Licensing Industry Report 2020, the total retail volume of licensed merchandise in China in 2019 reached USD 14.6 billion, 15.9% growth year-on-year. And the royalty fee of the industry amounted to RMB 3.82 billion. China ranks the fifth largest licensing market in the world, only after US, UK, Japan, and Germany. Licensing business in China is expanding rapidly with huge potential.
Why China Licensing Expo? CLE中國授權展是中國商務部批準的唯一以“中國”字頭命名的授權展,由中國玩具和嬰童用品協會主辦。CLE中國授權展從2007年發展至今,已成功舉辦14屆,現已成為亞洲規模最大、最具行業影響力、最具權威性和專業性的國際化商貿平臺。 The largest professional licensing exhibition in Asia, China Licensing Expo (CLE) is organized by the China Toy & Juvenile Products Association (CTJPA). The headline-hitting three-day B2B licensing networking event is widely recognized as the most effective network to promote brands, properties, characters and designs, to start and expand licensing businesses in China, by connecting the world’s most influential property owners and high quality consumer-goods manufacturers, licensees and retailers throughout the nation.
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